Charlotte's Reading Web
To Serve, Nurture, And Fulfill Your Child's Quest For Knowledge
“At age 27, the kids who got preschool were half as likely to have gotten arrested. They earned an average of 50% more per month. They were 50% more likely to have a savings account, 20% more likely to have a car, preschool kids got sick less often, were unemployed less often, sentenced to incarceration less often. Other studies show similar results, not just for poor kids, but for other kids, too. They do better if they have preschool.”
-This American Life, “Getting Away With It” episode aired on 10.19.12
Charlotte’s Reading Web was founded for the sole purpose of preparing young minds for a lifetime of success through literacy. Regardless of age, economic income level, race, or gender, all children have the right to obtain an excellent education. Charlotte’s Reading Web believes that this starts with preschool. Around the country, K-12 schools are facing a huge shift to the Common Core Standards which require students to be critical thinkers, argumentative writers, and “what if” wonderers. These higher-order thinking skills don’t come naturally; they come with practice, inquiry, and deliberate teaching. Charlotte’s Reading Web strives to develop these skills through early intervention with innovative, hands-on, and rigorous sessions to build the foundation for reading success. Coupled with literacy skills, Charlotte’s Reading Web focuses on character development in preschoolers. Children not only succeed with academics but with perseverance, curiosity, respect, and motivation. Our mission is to serve, nurture and fulfill your child’s quest for knowledge so they are prepared not only for Kindergarten, but for life.
Following her childhood dream of developing children to their full potential, Heather Laychak chose the path to become an educator. Throughout her college courses at James Madison University, Heather became immediately aware of the challenges facing students at an early age. By graduation, Heather realized that she had many of the tools necessary to alleviate the struggles that communities face with regards to literacy. It was at that point that she decided to dedicate her career to providing support for elementary students and their families, both in and out of the classroom.
After graduating, Heather moved to Charlotte, North Carolina where she taught at a low-income Title 1 school in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools for five years. There, she served as a team leader and a Talented Development Coach for her first grade team. Heather was also selected to attend many trainings such as Differentiation Academy and Guided Reading Training, to develop skills to serve her students and be a leader for other teachers. While teaching first grade, Heather recognized that many of her students were behind other first graders across the same district in literacy. She immediately realized that early intervention in preschool would have propelled her student’s learning. This would have given them the opportunity to be on par or above the first grade level.
As Director of Charlotte’s Reading Web, Heather’s main goal is to create awareness in the community that preschool is imperative for students’ academic success. Through awareness, she believes parents will chose to put their child on an academic path to success through early tutoring and intervention in preschool through Charlotte’s Reading Web.
It’s never too early to start thinking about an excellent education. Education opens the door to endless possibilities in which students can explore, create, and dream their way into a successful future.
Charlotte, NC